Acupuncture is a specialty in traditional Chinese medicine that helps stimulate healing, reduce pain and improve function. At the Osher Center for Integrative Health at Vanderbilt, our licensed acupuncturist will customize a treatment plan for you. Using hair-thin, sterile needles and associated procedures — as well as recommending lifestyle changes — he can help restore and redirect the flow of energy through your body.
While typically not covered by insurance, acupuncture costs may be reimbursed through your health savings account or flexible spending account.
Why Choose Acupuncture at Vanderbilt
- Knowledge and experience
Our licensed acupuncturist has extensive training in traditional Chinese medicine as well as a PhD in acupuncture and neuroscience. He has vast experience treating people with various medical conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety and depression. His depth of experience translates into expert care for you.
- Coordinated care
Our expert works with your doctors to create a care plan that meets your individual needs. We update your Vanderbilt medical records with treatment plans and outcomes, so the rest of your medical team is aware of your progress.
- Comprehensive care
Therapies like acupuncture work alongside your traditional medical care. They strive to improve your total well-being — mind, body and spirit. Together, traditional and complementary treatments can help you better manage your overall health and enjoy a better quality of life.