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General Surgery

Vanderbilt’s general surgeons are among the best in the region, if not the nation. We offer many types of surgery, including minimally invasive procedures. Our team includes the only surgeon in Middle Tennessee performing peroral endoscopic myotomy for achalasia. We also offer magnetic sphincter augmentation for reflux. 

Meet Your Care Team

Joel F. Bradley

Joel F. BradleyIII, MD

    Abdominal Wall Reconstruction, Biliary Disease / Gallbladder, Diaphragmatic Hernias, General Surgery, Hernias (Inguinal, Ventral, Incision), Sports Hernia/Athletic Pubalgia
Joseph Broucek

Joseph BroucekMD

    Benign Disease of the Esophagus, Benign Diseases of the Stomach / Duodenum, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, General Surgery, Hernias (Inguinal, Ventral, Incision), Minimally Invasive Foregut Surgery
Michael D. Holzman

Michael D. HolzmanMD, MPH

    Benign Disease of the Esophagus, Biliary Disease / Gallbladder, GI Surgery, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, General Surgery, Hernias (Inguinal, Ventral, Incision)
Richard A. Pierce

Richard A. PierceMD

    Abdominal Wall Reconstruction, General Surgery, Hernias (Inguinal, Ventral, Incision), Minimally Invasive Foregut Surgery, Sports Hernia/Athletic Pubalgia, Surgical Endoscopy
Kenneth W. Sharp

Kenneth W. SharpMD

    Breast Cancer, Cancer, General Surgery, Surgery

General Surgery: Why Choose Vanderbilt

  • caduceus, Depth of expertise, excellent outcomes
    Expert surgeons

    Our highly trained surgeons have extensive experience performing a wide range of complex surgeries using minimally invasive techniques: endoscopic, laparoscopic and robotic surgeries.

  • laboratory, test tubes, Advanced treatment
    Advanced treatments

    We offer magnetic sphincter augmentation for treating GERD (reflux, or heartburn). Our team also includes the only surgeon in Middle Tennessee who performs peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) to treat achalasia.

  • goal, specialized, individualized, customized, Personalized care
    Personalized care

    We tailor your treatment plan to meet your unique needs and health goals. We help you navigate your treatment options to ensure you receive the best possible care.

  • conference, Team approach, people, staff, partners
    A team approach

    Our Fast Track Clinic is a special coordination among many members of our care team. It serves people who need gallbladder or other routine surgeries but who are otherwise healthy. This clinic allows us to evaluate you and schedule your procedure quickly, often within one week.

  • survey, clipboard, Clinical trials
    Clinical trials

    Because we are part of an academic medical center, we offer access to some of the most promising new treatments and therapies being tested in clinical trials. Participating in a clinical trial is always optional. Find a clinical trial.

  • iphone, camera phone, cell, Telehealth, Online health portal
    Online health portal

    We want to make your experience as seamless and stress-free as possible. You can use our secure online portal, My Health at Vanderbilt, to send messages to your care team, schedule appointments, manage medications and access your medical records.

Tests, Treatments and Services We Offer

We offer a full range of tests, treatments and services, including:


2111 Belcourt Avenue, Suite 103
Nashville, TN 37212
800 Weatherly Drive, Suite 201B
Clarksville, TN 37043
Today's hours:7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
2009 Mallory Lane, Suite 100
Franklin, TN 37067
1405 West Baddour Parkway, Suite 105
Lebanon, TN 37087