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Surgical oncology for breast cancer


Surgical oncology focuses on managing your cancer surgically. Surgical oncologists administer procedures such as biopsies, tumor removals  and palliative surgeries.

Why Choose Surgical Oncology at Vanderbilt

  • health, circle, cross, Comprehensive care
    Comprehensive care

    The Vanderbilt Breast Center is a comprehensive clinic that cares for all of your breast health needs. We offer a convenient, comfortable setting and hours that work with your schedule, such as late afternoon and Saturday appointments.

  • conference, Team approach, people, staff, partners
    Team approach

    If you have a cancer diagnosis, our medical oncologists, surgical oncologists, radiation oncologists, pathologist, radiologists, plastic surgeons, oncology nurses and genetic counselors combine their expertise to create a personalized care plan that is right for you. We tailor your care based on your current health, preferences and tests.