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MyWeightLossHealth for Employers

Weight Loss That Works for You

Approximately 40% of Americans suffer from obesity. Many are also managing conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or type 2 diabetes. Obesity-related complications significantly increase absenteeism and lower overall productivity, while also driving up health care costs. 

Recent research shows that a 5–10% reduction of weight decreases the risk of conditions like heart disease, diabetes and stroke by more than 20%. Our experienced team consistently produces results like this, leading to healthier, more productive employees and lower overall health care costs.

A Smarter Approach to Weight Loss

MyWeightLossHealth combines Vanderbilt’s world-class medical care with a reimagined approach that delivers a better experience for your employees while still ensuring appropriateness of care. We coordinate and “bundle” all services needed for a successful surgical weight-loss journey.

Our goal is to deliver personalized care. We ensure that only patients who can truly benefit from surgery are enrolled in this bundle.  

With MyWeightLossHealth, you benefit from:

  • Reduced risk – With a bundle agreement, we assume risk for the financial and clinical outcomes of our weight loss interventions and surgeries. For one predictable price, your employees gain access to a comprehensive approach that delivers high-quality results.
  • Sound decisions – Only patients who can truly benefit from surgery will be enrolled in a MyWeightLossHealth Bundle.
  • Meaningful outcomes – Weight loss surgery has been shown to have positive health benefits on patients, often greatly reducing or eliminating conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes. Plus, a healthier team means lower absenteeism, greater productivity and reduced health care costs, and a generous benefit like MyWeightLossHealth can help attract and retain top talent.
  • Concierge treatment – From assisting with surgery prep to check-ins during recovery, our patient navigators will help your employees manage their care at every step of the process.
  • Turnkey implementation – You don’t have to redesign your current benefits plan, and there’s no membership fee or PMPM costs for joining our MyWeightLossHealth Bundle. You would simply offer a better experience for your employees who seek weight loss support, while protecting your benefits budget. 

MyWeightLoss Bundle Eases Stress for MNPS Teacher

How It Works

  • Interested candidates speak with our patient navigator, who confirms health plan eligibility, explains the process and collects required information. 
  • Once health plan eligibility has been confirmed, the patient will be scheduled for a surgical consultation to determine medical eligibility. 
  • If eligible, the patient will officially begin their journey to weight loss surgery. If not, they will be offered participation in other weight loss treatment options outside of MyWeightLossHealth.
  • Patients may select a support person (friend of family member) to help them through their weight loss journey.
  • Pre-surgery education on topics ranging from nutrition to emotional well-being are available to help the patient prepare for the procedure. Patients are connected to a support group made up of other current and past participants.
  • A typical hospital stay is 1-2 days. Often patients can return to work in less than two weeks for jobs that are low impact or do not involve heavy lifting.
  • Our care team will arrange post-operative check-ins to ensure the patient is on the road to recovery. We will stay by the patient’s side for a full year to ensure long-term success.


Why Vanderbilt?

  • An experienced team. Our board-certified physicians are specially trained and experienced in all aspects of weight loss. These specialists partner with a team of nurses, dietitians, nurse practitioners, licensed social workers and psychologists to help transform patients’ lives. 
  • Advancing research and treatments. As part of an academic medical center, our team is continually exploring new and innovative approaches to weight loss, and we streamline access to the latest proven treatment options. 
  • A comprehensive approach. We recognize that a weight-loss journey presents both physical and emotional challenges. That’s why we can connect patients to our psychologists and other mental health resources.
  • Long-term support. From initial evaluation through appointments and follow-up, our team encourages patients every step of the way. The training and education that patients receive through the bundle program set them up for lifelong success.

Let's Get Started

Are you ready for change? 

If you're a patient, please visit our MyHealth Bundles patient page and schedule time with one of our patient navigators.

If you're an employer, email us at or call our sales team at (615) 421–0112 to learn more about how bundles work, our approach and the benefits of a direct partnership with Vanderbilt Health. 

If you're a provider and need more information about a bundles patient, please contact our patient navigators at or call (615) 936–BNDL (2635).