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We offer a number of body contouring options to those patients who have undergone a dramatic weight loss.

Regardless of how you achieved your weight loss, once you reach your ideal weight, you may notice that areas of your skin appear loose. We offer surgical body contouring procedures for the face, neck, upper arms, breasts, abdominal area, buttocks, groin, back and thighs.

The body contouring procedures will allow you to enhance your overall appearance once your excess fat and skin is removed by improving the shape and tone of the underlying tissues. The result is a smoother contour and pleasing profile.

Liposuction is a less invasive body contouring procedure that slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits. These techniques may be used to reduce fat in:

•    Abdomen and waist
•    Back
•    Buttocks
•    Calves and ankles
•    Cheeks
•    Chest
•    Chin and neck
•    Hips
•    Inner knee
•    Thighs
•    Upper arms

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