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Acoustic Neuromas

The Vanderbilt Skull Base Center treats acoustic neuromas, which are slow-growing benign tumors located on the balance nerve to the inner ear to the brain. They can cause hearing loss, imbalance, ringing in the ear, and/or weakness or numbness in your facial nerves. The expert treatment team you’ll have at Vanderbilt consistently performs more procedures than all other Tennessee hospitals combined. Our center is one of the few acoustic neuroma treatment centers in the United States.

Download our free acoustic neuroma treatment guide

Conditions We Treat

Why Choose Acoustic Neuroma Care at Vanderbilt

  • medical chart, clipboard, cross, Knowledge and experience
    Experience and recognized care

    Our doctors are skilled specialists with a combined 40 years of experience in skull base surgery for acoustic neuromas. We are an Acoustic Neuroma Association Center of Excellence under the Acoustic Neuroma Association and one of the few acoustic neuroma treatment centers in the U.S.

  • goal, specialized, individualized, customized, Personalized care
    Personalized care

    We tailor each surgery to meet your unique needs and ensure that you receive the best possible care. We are highly experienced in the various approaches for skull base tumors.

  • heart rate, graph, Neurocritical care unit
    Neurocritical care unit

    We provide 35 private neurocritical care rooms, equipped with advanced technology and safety measures. This means you and your family receive neurointensive care of the highest quality.

  • conference, Team approach, people, staff, partners
    Team approach

    Doctors from multiple specialties are brought into your treatment team when needed. These might include ENTs, physical therapists, oncologists, radiologists and others. Our multi-specialty surgery team consists of a skull base neurosurgeon, neurotologist, neuroanesthesia specialist and — if needed — a head and neck surgeon.

  • compass, Patient care coordinators
    Patient care coordinators

    Our patient care coordinators guide you through your care plan. They can help you schedule appointments, gather medical records, address concerns and coordinate your care among all the specialists involved in your treatment.

Tests, Treatments and Services

We offer a full range of tests, treatments and services, including:


1215 21st Ave. S., Suite 7209
Nashville, TN 37232